The Kishwaukee Concert Band before our May, 2023 concert at Northern Illinois University's Boutell Memorial Concert Hall.
The Kishwaukee Concert Band (KCB) is an all-volunteer adult community band composed of experienced musicians from DeKalb, Illinois and surrounding communities. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for woodwind, brass, and percussion musicians, age 18 years and older, who have played in high school or college bands to rehearse and perform concert band repertoire for the enjoyment and education of themselves and of the audiences who attend our concerts. Our varied repertoire includes marches, overtures, musicals, contemporary works, and movie and musical theater tunes.
The Kishwaukee Concert Band is a tax-exempt charitable organization under IRS section 501(c)(3), and contributions to the band are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
The band routinely performs four public concerts per season. The schedule of concerts for the 2023-2024 season can be found here. Please feel free to also enjoy past favorites the band has performed on our YouTube channel located here.
There is nothing like the thrilling sound of a concert band and the thrill of being a member of a band! The Kishwaukee Concert Band invites amateur and professional wind and percussion musicians to inquire about openings in the band’s membership. Please click here for the procedure to express your interest and be contacted by a band representative.
Lovers of ensemble music may find the following other local performing groups of interest:
DeKalb Municipal Band: www.dekalbmunicipalband.com/
Jazz in Progress: www.facebook.com/JazzInProgress
Kishwaukee Symphony Orchestra: kishorchestra.org
Northern Illinois University School of Music - Ensembles: www.niu.edu/music/join-us/ensembles.shtml
Northern Illinois University School of Music - Concert Schedule: https://niu.edu/music/
Copyright © 2024 The Kishwaukee Concert Band. All rights reserved.